Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Webcomic Recommendations because I can


Webcomic Recommendation?


There seems to be a bit of an upheaval in the world of webcomics because the current internet sucks due to corporate greed and the invisible 'growth' that they really don't get. With Webtoons using your stuff for AI and trying to work creators to the bone for 'content' and other site just flat out trying to wring every last cent from everyone. Things are a bit rough.

So I am making posts about the webcomics that I enjoy that fall into the Goth vibe or are just ones that I enjoy. I'm going to try and not have it all be completed webcomics but since webrings died the death of a thousand burning suns... It's just hard finding new stuff as easily as it was back in ye old days.

If I have to make an old school style page with images that you can click that link to the webcomic then so be it.

I'm going to start with posts at the start of the month and also I'll add a list of webcomic links... some place on here. 

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